Back to Mass Mind Control by Neuroradio: Neurotelecontrol and Neurotelecommunication
Neurotelecontrol Gallup
The following set of questions is intended as pretest for
scientifically valid neurotelecommunication/neurotelecontrol
studies. Should you be sceptic and not having experienced
neurotelecommunication/neurotelecontrol, you are in doubt of
whether the system exists and/or whether it is in internationally
wide-spread use. Please do send me an e-mail even if you have
not experienced neurotelecontrol. I must ensure you that
neuroradiosystem de facto does exist, is in wide spread use and
should you concider the results of the gallup as a 'new religion'
cultural-anthropology findings, they are in spread and occurrence
beyond a set of common (/subcultural)
These web-pages and the pretest gallup are in attempt to break the
censorship on neurotelecommunication/control in support of
're-democratization'. It is my conviction that full public media
discussions on non-lethal electronic and neurotechnological weapons
will eventually result in expanded state control on electronic weapons.
This is achieved by letters to governments, scientifically valid
neurotelecommunication studies, and information give-outs on the
findings of studies. The neurotelecommunication/control lifeworld is
often hostile and inhumane breaking the civil rights in the
most important ways of cancelling freedom of thought and right for
free making of opinion and breaking mental health.
Please volunteer to answer the following set of questions (c)
Petri Ticklen by 1) copying the gallup text to clipboard by
preselecting and pressing Ctrl-C,
2) inserting the text to any text editor by pressing Ctrl-V, 3) then
inserting by typing your answers below each of the questions, and
4) sending the gallup text with inserted answers to me by e-mail
(copy Ctrl-C & paste Ctrl-V to e-mail form of e-mail form of your browser):
1 Questions on attitude towards neuroradiochip brainimplant
1.1 "I have a radiochip in my head." TRUE/FALSE
1.2 "I want the radiochip off of my head." TRUE/FALSE
1.3 Degree of motivation to get the radiochip off of head:
(select one of the following)
I need the radiochip taken off of my head
- not at all
- if it doesn't cost me anything
- I would participate a campaign to get the neuroradio off
- if it doesn't cost me too much
- even if it is expensive and time consuming
1.4 "Neuroradiochip brainimplant should be accepted as standard
way of living for everyone with no exceptions." TRUE/FALSE
1.5 "I think that neurotelecontrol by neuroradio reduces crime" TRUE/FALSE
2 Questions on the quality of perception of neurotelecommunication
(answer the questions of axis with a mark between 0 - 10 describing
how 'well describing' you concider the experience
of neurotelecommunication in question)
2.1 The axis of influence to ego (The degree of perception of neurotelecommunication)
- voices are projected 'nearby' (telepresent voice)?
- voices are inserted (voice telepresent in mind)?
- voices are absorbed (telepresent voice mixing into the
stream of thought)?
- voice fully absorbed (telepresent voice mixing into the
stream of thought in way which ego is not able to distinct
from the endogenous stream of thought, loss of counterwill
- constant 'focus-of-consciousness-play' problem i.e. under
constant psychological warfare, severe psychic problems
2.2 Experienced quality of received neurotelecommunication/control
(type of phenomenon) (answer the questions of axis with a mark
between 0 - 10 describing how 'well describing' you concider the
experience of neurotelecommunication in question)
- axis of cognitive(conscious) - subliminal ?
- axis of articulated - emotional ?
- axis of unnoticeable - present and overtaking ?
- axis of endogenously accepted - endogenously
interpreted as unwanted?
- axis of narrow - broad neurotelecommunication (as the spread
of simultaneously received phenomena) ?
- axis of natural (sender endogenous) - artificial (language
function, neurotelecommunication supplementing the
intended use of language) ?
2.3 The basic reaction to neurotelecommunication/control
(answer the questions of axis with a mark between 0 - 10 describing
how 'well describing' you concider the experience of
neurotelecommunication/control in question)
- axis of passive absorbtion - inner classification and
3 Questions on the neurotelecommunication and mental health
(answer the questions of axis with a mark between 0 - 10 describing
how 'well describing' you concider the experience of
neurotelecommunication/control in question)
3.1 The neurotelecommunication effect in experienced quality of life
- axis of total loss of life-control (including total unability
to work and prevention of social relationships) - improved
quality of life ?
- axis of total loss of ability to work - improved motivation,
productivity and experience of enjoying the work ?
- axis of total loss of ability to social interaction - improved
social interaction (including improved quality and number
of social contacts and general social activity) ?
- axis of troubled family relationships - improved family
relationships ?
- axis of unability to engage in romantic relationship -
improved quality of lovelife ?
- axis of no abnormalities occurring in lovelife - psychic
problems due to neurotelecommunication
related abnormalities of lovelife ?
3.2 The neurotelecommunication addiction
- I have developed a brainradio oriented lifestyle,
neuroradio is major part of my way of living TRUE/FALSE
- I am not in control of the pleasure some of the neuroradio
phenomena give me and I find it difficult to control
my own life TRUE/FALSE
3.3 The neurotelecommunication disturbance
- the axis of concidering the neurotelecontrol *as*
(irritability by ntc)
Do you concider acceptable behavior (TRUE/FALSE):
- looking at you openly
- looking frustrated
- looking angry
- hearing voices where they physically cannot
- talking to oneself/talking the person not
physically present
- forced movements
- few uncomprehensible words within otherwise
sensible speech
- shouting on the street
- unprovoked violent action (including
unprovoked threatening)
3.4 Self-experienced/own behavior neurotelecommunication disturbance
- the degree of self-experienced neurotelecommunication
- mark overall the quality of disturbance in the scale 0 - 10 :
- stunn
- irritation (mood)
- motoric
- sexual disturbance (phenomenon concidered
- sudden change in mood
- unwanted behavior (as in respect
to endogenous ego-lifeline, regret)
- irrational fear
- existential fear for loss of ones counterwill
(uncertainty of one's own actions)
- other:___________________ (describe)
- roughly desribe the frequency of each degree and quality
of disturbance
- roughly desribe the duration of each degree and quality of
- roughly desribe the timeline occurrence of disturbance
3.5 The witnessed disturbance
- mark how serious you concider the degree of witnessed
disturbance overall alltime (0-10) ?
- how well does the question match the quality of
witnessed disturbance (disturbing behaviour), mark in the
scale of 0-10
- looking at you openly ?
- looking frustrated ?
- looking angry ?
- hearing voices where they physically cannot
exist ?
- talking to oneself/talking the person not
physically present ?
- forced movements ?
- few uncomprehensible words within otherwise
sensible speech ?
- shouting on the street ?
- unprovoked violent action (including
unprovoked threatening) ?
- roughly describe the frequency of each degree and
quality of disturbance ?
- roughly describe the duration of each degree and quality
of disturbance ?
- roughly describe the timeline occurrence of disturbance ?
4 Questions on socio-economic background
4.1 The last degree of education finished ?
4.2 Occupation ?
5 Gender
6 Age
7 Questions on history of mental illness treated by a doctor
7.0 History of mental illness treated by a doctor
7.1 Are you taking psychic medication? TRUE/FALSE
7.2 Have you received medical treatment to neurotelecommunication-
disturbance as mental illness?
7.3 Description of your mental illness
The e-mail adress given below will not be used for marketing or
given further.
Put me on your mailing list on neurotelecontrol and
neurotelecommunication TRUE/FALSE
Concider me as potentially voluntary to work in a campaign against
criminal use of neuroradio and/or against censorship of
neuroradioimplant diagnosis. TRUE/FALSE
I accept the storing and processing of the information included.
Please answer the gallup and return it by e-mail to:
Any comments or questions you may have are more than welcome.